NEWS 4 Holidays2021


The Holiday-season is knocking on our door... are YOU ready?

I KNOW I am... and I am really looking 4ward to it...specially to meet up with family and friends for some cozy and relaxing times with good food and a LOT of goodies♥

Here in Sweden our holidays starts on the 13th of december with celebrating Santa Lucia, so therefor I have created a NEW poser/render-set called: LuciaTroll... I have also created 3 NEW Poser/render-sets called XmasGirls and a special gift to YOU all... an animated Extra-freebie on transparent background!


click HERE to download

NEWS 4 the Holidays


The Holidays-season is here for sure. I just LOVE That christmas-feeling... how about You?

I have created 3 NEW cute Xmas-Trolls poser/render-sets and 1 animated Xtras for FREE...

JOY to the WORLD!


click HERE to download

They can ALL be bought in ALL my stores (on the right side and in the end of the post) and with


ends on the 30th of November 2021


SnowTroll SHOP 🠞

XmasTroll SHOP 🠞

XmasTroll2 SHOP 🠞


NEWS Christmas Cuties + 3 FREEBIES

  Hello Everyone, Hope You are feeling REAL good...  The cold I recieved a while back is still with me... it seems like it love to be around...
